Who Runs the World? Girls

James Joyce the author of the novel Ulysses had a strong passion for women in this novel. Although I only read the last paragraph of the novel it was still obvious to readers of the sense of strong, independent women characters in the novel. Molly the main character, has many similar characteristics to many women in our world today. She seems to be insecure in her relationship, she constantly is worried that he might not love her. But, she is mostly worried about why there is no sexual connection between the two. Molly, and her lover had a physical connection at one point, but she felt like she lost that connection after a day of making love. I believe many young girls could relate to this part of the novel. Since Molly was fighting for his love, and wanted some answers for why there were no longer any sexual feelings. In our world today many young girls are losing their virginities at even younger ages now. Before they are mentally prepared to do so. This is creating a pr...